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Cleaning Your Home With Mobile Storage Pods

by Mar 2, 2021

We’re in part two of our “cleaning tips” article lineup. In our first one, Mobile Attic handed out some basic tips to help your cleaning journey go easier. Remember, tackle it in bits and take personal safety into account if there’s heavy lifting involved.

Now, we can show you how a mobile pod helps the cleaning process. If you’ve got larger spaces to handle, you’d be surprised what a convenient storage unit can offer.

Benefit 1: Organization space

With any cleaning project, things need to be moved around to access harder-to-reach places. Or, moving objects creates clutter, debris, and additional messes. Those cluttering piles can make your cleaning job harder, so, wouldn’t it be nice to have them stored in an accessible spot?

Yes, you guessed it, that’s one benefit of a mobile pod. They can provide an access point for debris, so you can keep things organized as you clean.

Benefit 2: Space for larger items

Cleaning doesn’t just include interiors, that could also extend to your yard, basement, garage, or what have you. Those areas tend to have larger equipment associated with them. Gardening, for example. Lawnmowers, flower boxes, tools, those are a few things you may have. But they’re larger and need to be put somewhere safe, right? Again, that’s an idea fit for a mobile pod which can keep them stowed away safely while you continue extensive cleaning projects.

Benefit 3: Reduced travel time

Need to get things from one spot to another? Mobile pods aren’t only a name gimmick. If you need cleaning supplies transported or need them at your location of choice, you can rely on transportable storage units for that reason.

That also cuts down on expenses related to travel like gas or the need for stationary storage units. Taking trips back and forth between one location or another adds up if you’re taking things to dispose of. Therefore, mobile pods reduce this, saving you extra cash.

Benefit 4: Protection

Cleaning projects can take a while. A few days? Maybe longer than a week? Regardless, as you clean all that clutter and debris needs to go somewhere. Or, if you’re doing renovations for additional cleaning, bigger items need a place to be protected during the process.

Mobile pods come in a variety of needed sizes and are made with steel, protecting them from the elements. So, while you’re redoing the living room, you won’t have to worry about your property.

Benefit 5: Supply storage

Lastly, if your cleaning involves stronger equipment like power washers or higher-grade cleaning chemicals, pods are a good way to keep those stored separately. That keeps them out of reach from younger children and reduces chances of exposure to hazardous material. That, or you can use pods for any other storage need.

With these tips in mind, a mobile pod will make your cleaning that much easier. If you have questions or want more information about storage pods, contact Mobile Attic today.