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The Essential Guide to Unpacking with Speed

by Feb 9, 2018

The Mobile Attic allows you to pack at your own pace, though when it comes to unpacking you may want to speed through that as quickly as possible. Trust me, the rest of the world is with you but attempting a speedy relocation can be inefficient and, counterintuitively, time consuming. Fortunately, with a bit of direction, you’ll be unpacked and living it up in just a few days.

If you are interested in taking it slow, Mobile Attic respects that. You can keep the container on the property for as long as you like. This guide isn’t necessarily for you; but to the many out there with a fire in their hearts (and a deep longing to get rid of the cardboard boxes), these tips are to get you thinking in the right direction. Speed and direction means you cross the finish line of your unpacking adventure (in record time, no less). Speed with no direction? You just end of charging at wall, leaving you with a headache and a mound of stale-brown cardboard cubes.

Self-sufficiency has never tasted so sweet with the Mobile Attic. With these tools on your belt, watch as you transform from unpacking apprentice to the moving guru of the southeast!


You must start somewhere, and its pretty obvious that you need to start somewhere that includes food and things that keep you from smelling badly. Make sure you have food readily available (if you brought some with you), or you can consider eating out in moderation. Light snacks will also keep you fueled and motivated throughout the affair. You should also keep a handy supply of cleaning products as you’ll be going through the house regularly, tracking in dirt or knocking things around with your sheer movement speed.

When you are lifting objects and maneuvering through tight spaces, its also a good idea to keep a first aid kit nearby. Really in any situation you should have a first aid kit. As a somewhat secondary suggestion, you may also want to include some light entertainment for you and the kids. Maybe this is a book, crossword, handheld game system –whatever breaks the monotony of the unpacking process. Keeping these things around now will save you from some screaming later!

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You may be inclined to unpack as you cross a room, but this may cause difficulties for you later. Be strategic about how you put everything away, just to keep you from having to rummage back and forth. The living room seems like a tempting place to start, it is the place where you’ll be spending your downtown from unpacking. For the sake of cost-effectiveness, start with the kitchen so you can move away from canned/process/take-out stuff and get back into the habit of making meals. This will help your mental well-being as well.

Next, you’ll want to start on the basic parts of each bedroom. You need somewhere to sleep at night and, while that carpet was recently cleaned, your back certainly won’t recover. Once this is finished, you can move on to the living room. We tend to remember things by associating them with our environment, so keeping yourself to one room at a time will reduce mental clutter. Overall, this will be a huge boost in speed!


There will come a time when you need to rest but do so strategically! The moving process can be draining both physically and mentally, but the key is to know when you need to rest. Pace yourself, and don’t push yourself to the point of physical exhaustion, which can be a move killer.

Create some rewards for motivation. This will keep you in the game, but the excitement of the reward will keep you from pushing yourself too hard too long. Limit your take-out consumption to those days where you completed all your goals. It will give you something to look forward to after hours of sweating and box-lifting. You can also designate electronics time, so you can watch a movie or browse social media. If you want to stay active, but you can’t unpack another box, put your time into collapsing the boxes for recycling. Your future self would appreciate it!


Whether you do it in an evening or over a month, unpacking can be quite the motivational challenge. Mobile Attic is here to help! We will do our best to give you the most convenient, stress-free storage experience in the industry!